March has kicked off with a bang and this month has a lot in store!
Here's a quick summary of events...
Our annual Adult/Youth VBS kicks off this Sunday at 5PM.
This year the dates are March 9, 16, & 23 at 5pm each day. This event is always so much fun and a great way to meet & welcome new people, get to know those in our church a little better, learn way more than you may think you mighty, eat (as always!), and maybe win a little free door prize swag along the way! See you at 5PM!
Our Women's ministry will be taking a group to the Extraordinary Women's Conference in Pensacola on March 15.
Our monthly "Golden Age" luncheon will be on Tuesday, March 18.
Our "Lorena's Hope" sewing ministry has a quilter's retreat March 31-April 2.
Our Adult Choir is in rehearsal mode and is always open to those that are interested. They meet after Sunday Worship at 11:30AM.
As always, you can find info on these events in our calendar section.