Dear Church Family,
We are about to start a new year and people seem to look for things
to start afresh or set as New Year’s resolutions. I will offer up some
suggestions or challenges that you will benefit from and draw you closer
to the Lord. I plan to read through the whole bible again this year. The
first time I did it I was extremely blessed. I grew spiritually and in my
knowledge of God and His Word. I challenge you to try it. There are reading
plans readily available. You can sometimes find them in your bible, you can
find them online, or you can do what I do and use the devotional called
“Our Daily Bread” which is available on the information table. Yes, it can
be challenging to stick with the plan for a whole year, but you won’t regret
it. If you feel that is too much, why don’t you try reading through the New
Testament and Proverbs. That is a lot less reading and you will still benefit
from it. Another thing you should try this year is to share the Gospel with
someone at least once a month. If you are not sure how, come see me. If
you know how, but are nervous about it, pray to God and He will help you.
I’m not big on math, but you run the numbers. We have had an average of
180 people in the last two months attend our worship services. If half of
us shares the Gospel to one person once a month for the entire year that
equals 1080 people who hear about Jesus. Now if more people participate
or share the Gospel with more than one person a month, that number
grows substantially. Our sanctuary would be busting at the seams and
that would be a great problem to have, also heaven would be blessed
with more souls. Try really hard to adopt these challenges and see what
God will do. If for some reason you get off track and skip some days,
don’t give up, just start back where you left off. You also will have more
crowns to throw at Jesus’ feet when the time comes.
God Bless, Pastor Jason.