They say age is just a number. The number isn't important but our hard-working senior adults are. We have a monthly program called "Golden Age Fellowship" where all are invited to bring a covered dish and enjoy a short program and fellowship with folks from our church and community. In addition, they enjoy fellowship through small group study, local outings & trips.

We also have a sewing ministry called "Lorena's Hope" named for it's founder. This ministry is very active in the community making items that are used at hospitals, assisted living facilities, and missions projects around the world.

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They say age is just a number. The number isn't important but our hard-working senior adults are. We have a monthly program called "Golden Age Fellowship" where all are invited to bring a covered dish and enjoy a short program and fellowship with folks from our church and community. In addition, they enjoy fellowship through small group study, local outings & trips.
We also have a sewing ministry called "Lorena's Hope" named for it's founder. This ministry is very active in the community making items that are used at hospitals, assisted living facilities, and missions projects around the world.
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